Friday, May 4, 2007

I love the irreplaceable...

Believe it or not I'm already starting to pack. I'm 2 and a half months away from leaving and only now I realised that I won't be able to take all my "stuff" back with me. It's amazing how much I gathered in the last 10 months. It makes me feel so stupid. Why did I bring so much from Brazil? Why did I get so much in Canada? And I consider myself a non-consumerist. Yeah right!
Well, I guess the good part of it all is that once more I'm learning to be more detached from materialistic things. I'm starting to make my peace with the fact that I'll have to leave (maybe donate to MCC) half of what I currently own. After all they are just "stuff", right?

And of course I still have things in Brazil... which have been probably worn out by my sister by now... (don't take me wrong, love her to death) =]

I was talking to a friend on the phone yesterday. She moved to Toronto 2 years and a half ago, so we were sharing some of our thoughts and experiences regarding being away from home, or not really knowing where home really is anymore. And she put into words exactly how I feel about this whole situation. It was really nice to hear what I think, from someone else.
Whenever we decide to go abroad for a relatively long amount of time we also decide to never stop feeling saudades. (Portuguese word for "I miss you", which is a noun in my language and can't be translated into any other language in the world- maybe I'll explain it better in a future post). People are irreplaceable, therefore no matter how many new friends you make, or how many families "adopt" you, they will never replace the ones you had in the place you were before. You will always feel saudades. I've made so many new friends here but I never stopped missing my friends in Brazil, and I'm sure I'll miss the friends I made here just as much.

I'll have to leave a lot of "stuff" behind... but it will all be replaced after a few months...
The irreplaceable is what counts... and that will be taken with me in my heart.

(Thank God there's no weight limit to what your heart can carry on the plane) =]


Anonymous said...

Ah! Seu inglês está tão lindo!
E suas palavras foram lindas também... Que bom que não tem limite de peso do seu coração mesmo, porque fala sério guria, você carrega muita gente aí dentro! hahaha
e que honra saber que eu faço parte disso...
você faz mais falta aqui do que você imagina... é horrível. mas é ótimo saber que você tá aí aprendendo jogos novos pra me ensinar! hahaha
2 meses e meio! FINALLY!

Anonymous said...

you are so right.

Bora said...

Yeah... I am kinda wondering what I should buy for my family... I have already sent some stuff home. That is going to be lots of stuff to pack. Believe it or not Today here is 25C.

Unknown said...

I have the same problem. I don't wanna start packing now cus I don't want to know which things I have to leave behind and what I can bring back with me. I know I have owned a lot of stuff since I came. I still have no idea how to take them back. I guess I will donate some to MCC thrift shop. And yeah, I will have to ship some back. hahaha. It's been a wonderful time in Canada for me. I'm happy to meet my family and friends but very sad to say good bye to poeple I know here.

Anonymous said...

hey jeise, already packing, wow, for me everything is moving so fast, it seems like i just was unpacking my bags...i have almost a year too, one more and than i'm history, hehe
yeah, with all this mcc-stuff i brought home, i get later some problms too... already now i need a bigger room (;
enjoy your last months here
take care

Anonymous said...

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