This is the first time in my life I won't be with my mom for Mother's Day. I guess you could say it's not such a big deal... after all you should appreciate your mom every single day and not just on the second Sunday of May. But there are certain traditions in my family that make this day really special. Every Mother's Day my brother, my sister and I put a special breakfast together, we buy my mom's favourite cake and some special buns and jams and we make her cards and give her flowers. And then we take it all to her in bed on Sunday morning... and she's always ready to receive us. There she is... beautiful, in her pajamas waiting to hug her children and say that we are the best Mother's Day gift she could ever wish for. And then we spend the morning talking and eating, sharing and loving. That's what my mom is to me. She represents love, patience, care, strength. I admire her deeply. She's my best friend... she knows me so well... she knows when I'm in love even before I tell her... she knows what I've eaten just by looking at me... she knows when I'm sad even when I try to look happy... she gives the best advice, but only when I ask her. She never tells me what to do even though she would like to sometimes. She is my "maezinha do coracao", my "mamis", de quem eu tenho tantas saudades!
"Mae, eu te amo muito muito muito! Sinto muitas saudades de vc, de simplesmente estar do seu lado e compartilhar sobre o meu dia. vc me entende como poucas pessoas me entendem e vc me aceita e me ama com todas as minhas imperfeicoes. Vc me ensinou tanto, acho q nem sei medir ainda o valor dos seus ensinamentos, mas sei q eles afetaram quem sou e quem serei profundamente. Muito obrigada por tudo q vc eh na minha vida, por ser minha amiga e minha mae e por nunca enfraquecer, mesmo na minha teimosia de adolecente. Obrigada por sua fidelidade a mim e por seu amor por mim. Me doi muito nao poder estar com vc no dia das maes... mas vou recompensar qdo eu voltar com certeza. Amo vc alem do q vc pode imaginar e alem do q eu mesma sei medir."
1 comment:
Post muito lindo... Não consigo me imaginar longe da minha mãe! =/
Mas pensa que daqui a pouco você volta e pode fazer café da manhã todos os dias! Mas daí me convida pra domir na tua casa, tá?!
=p pra eu comer também!
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