Sunday, May 27, 2007

United - Concert @ the Thunderbird Stadium in Vancouver - May 25

Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like you have loved me

Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Hillsong United - All of the above


Bora said...

I wish they come to Winnipeg....

Unknown said...

Or you could go to Vancouver, Bora :)

Unknown said...

Awesome! U must have a good time there Jeise!

Danúbia said...

oi somente dizendo q suas fotos estao bem legais...
sinto muita falta do faz querer voltar no tempo hehee
Danubia..ivep 2005/6 :)

Anonymous said... for you
i missed that day somehow, to bad...
maybe i'll go next year to that concert (;
so jeise, when do you leave?
next month somewhen right? i cant make it to that good-bye gathering...but we should do still something, maybe just before you leave...

Unknown said...

Thx for ur comment! Enjoy the rest of ur time in beautiful BC! See u next month :)

kiss and hug,
check out my latest poem!

Esul... morning dew said...

I'm leaving you a comment before I forget... send me info about your face book so I can try to keep in touch with you.
I know we didn't have too much time to connect during your time in Abbotsford, but I always looked forward to your cute outfits, cheery smile, great warm hugs, and beautiful singing on sundays in church.
Take care of yourself. Here's a bit of advice about leaving.... the more places you leave, the easier it becomes; not because of emotional attachments becoming weaker, but because you learn to lower your expectations about "seperation..." In my experiences, leaving is hard, but once you get settled back in to life back home the leaving part because less and less familiar, and you cherish time back home with your family... you do what you can to keep in touch with people you "left behind" but you learn to lower your expectations so you don't feel too guilty for not keeping in contact... just the nature of traveling/living abroad.
Hope this makes sense and gives you a little "comfort..."

I'll talk to you soon!
I hope your last two days in Abbotsford are EXTRAORDINARY!!!!

Love, Rachel

Dönner - เดินเนอร์ - 듀너 - ドエナー - 德納 said...


hey sorry I didn´t say good bye...

how is your time in ontario? keep us here in BC updated how life will be for you back home!

If I have the chance in the future to visit your country I´ll stop by at your place for some awesome BBQ!!


Mike, Lyndsay, Bayleigh, Carter and Grace said...

you need to update with life back in brazil!